Re-Key Locks Palo Alto, CA – Golden Locksmith Services


How is rekeying locks achieved?

Benefits of rekeying locks:Golden Locksmith Services Palo Alto, CA 650-946-3419

  • Cost-effective than getting a replacement
  • Gain greater key control 
  • Eliminate the possibility of old keys being misused
  • Old locks function as good as new
  • Experience a renewed sense of security
  • Locks can be rekeyed to accommodate a master key system

DIY rekeying VS hiring an expert

If you are planning to re-key locks on your own by following a step-by-step do it yourself guide on the internet, then you should definitely go through this paragraph. Agreed, rekeying the lock yourself will definitely save you a few bucks but if you end up doing it incorrectly, which is mostly the case, you will end up spending a lot on a new lock as well as to hire a locksmith to install the new lock. Why try to save a few bucks when you can call Golden Locksmith Services? Our experts will re-key locks at low costs without damaging the locks.